Thursday, August 29, 2013

Volume 9: The Whispering Sphinx Now Available!

It's been a long wait, but us fans can now own the next album in the Jonathan Park series, The Whispering Sphinx.

Egypt is in political turmoil. On the verge of presidential elections, a mysterious tablet is found with a prophecy about the coming leader and his lineage to Pharaoh Ramses II. That’s when the statue of the Great Sphinx begins to mysteriously “speak,” confirming the message of the tablet. Meanwhile, the Creation Response Team has learned that the research of Egyptian Chronologist Dr. Howard will shake the foundations of modern archeology and affirm the accuracy of several Old Testament accounts. How does it all relate?Join Jonathan Park and the CRT as they race to the aid of a nation and unlock the mysteries of Egypt’s past and present in Jonathan Park & The Whispering Sphinx!

At this time, you can only purchase the album from Vision Forum directly. Amazon, CBD, and BlueBehemoth will sell it sometime later. But, if you buy the CD version before August 31st, you'll receive the MP3 version of all the episodes in the album instantly! Don't miss this great deal on the latest adventure of Jonathan Park!


  1. Sounds awesome! I'm excited.
    Hey, by the way, you can get rid of the white background on that pasted text. When you edit the post, just hit "edit HTML", and scroll through the text. Any time you see something that says something like "background = white" or something like that, just delete that line.

    1. Thanks for the tip! I was wondering why it was showing up like that.
